Facing Mel's Music
Hosted by Mel Golding, Mel interviews musicians across the globe for an insight into their experiences of music and the music industry. Topical discussions are found here on the mental health and wellbeing of musicians amongst the challenges encountered along the way. Tune into FMM podcasts for insights on the holistic journeys of up and coming new artists from all around the globe.
Facing Mel's Music
Chat with Brandon Leibowitz - Digital Marketing Expert and SEO Specialist
Brandon is a digital marketing expert and SEO specialist. Here you will find tips for musicians on maximising your search engine optimisation (SEO) to drive more traffic to your website and achieve a higher ranking on google. The trick is to achieve this without investing too much time or money!
One piece of advice is to know who your competitors are and make a huge list of your keywords. Brandon is an expert in driving traffic to your website and can be contacted via:
Tune in to the show for more!