Facing Mel's Music
Hosted by Mel Golding, Mel interviews musicians across the globe for an insight into their experiences of music and the music industry. Topical discussions are found here on the mental health and wellbeing of musicians amongst the challenges encountered along the way. Tune into FMM podcasts for insights on the holistic journeys of up and coming new artists from all around the globe.
Facing Mel's Music
Feeling Lost and Rediscovering Your Truth
Throughout the Covid-19 era, many people have faced changing job direction as a result of losing jobs or changing positions in the workplace. Musicians have faced the notion of turning to a brand new career despite them feeling all they've ever known was to perform and make music. Feelings of uncertainty have tapped into a sense of feeling lost in life as a new direction is imminent for many.
This podcast reassures the listener that there is more to you than just one assigned role in life. Rediscover a truth and take comfort in the ability to bounce back and continue to thrive no matter what the job role, you are a person in your own right who just needs to find your new sense of self.